
A set governing guidelines that keep things aligned with the values.

The Principles are a set of governing guidelines that keep things aligned with the values of Permanent Culture.

1. Observe and interact

See what the digital landscape says, what functions are available and what does the view and environment allow for.

2. Catch and store energy

Archive concepts and kick off next project with them. Take what’s good and recycle the rest.

Retrofit the future today - new design styles that won’t ship for a while but could be used now in another project, is a real benefit to a well made Design System.

3. Obtain a yield

Ship the product for wild use. See what the people using it think. Produce and harvest creator and consumer happiness.

4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback

Watch for changes in energy requirements for inputs, process and outputs.

5. Use and value renewable resources and services

Use and contribute to Open Source and existing services for functionality. Leverage existing function to design form and contribute back for design input.

6. Produce no waste

Elements are designed to evolve, rather than being replaced. Use existing projects as a base and get creative from there.

7. Design from patterns to details

Design from top level pattern to the finer details, applying this pattern while zooming into the most atomic elements.

8. Integrate rather than segregate

Elements of function that complement each other, could hold a more beneficial relationship together. This could reduce development and maintenance, while also enhancing experiences.

9. Use small and slow solutions

Lean startup and MVP thinking - design the most succinct version, making small iterations with time and evolution.

10. Use and value diversity

Design for a broader audience and make it accessibly diverse.

11. Use edges and value the marginal

Use edge cases as design considerations, look at the marginal areas and interaction points that otherwise get overlooked.

12. Creatively use and respond to change

Look at regression testing as design inspiration. User metrics and feedback loops to support design decisions.


These Principles have been adapted from the original set of Ethics as described by David Holmgren at Permaculture Principles - Ethics.